Squiso е безплатен, мощен инструмент за автоматизация, който ви позволява да персонализирате своя поток в Twitch с помощта на прости скриптове.

Как да създадете Twitch !Clip команда

Тези примери слушат съобщението за чат !clip, създават клип, след което го публикуват както в чата на Twitch, така и в Discord.

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Пример за скрипт

import com.squiso.*; import com.squiso.exception.*; import com.squiso.scripting.*; import com.squiso.scripting.data.*; import com.squiso.keyboard.*; import com.squiso.twitch.*; import com.squiso.datatypes.*; import com.squiso.utils.*; // Important - Please do not change the row below - otherwise you will get a compilation error! public class Script_Example extends SquisoScript { @Override public void onTwitchChatMessage(OnTwitchChatMessageData data, API api) throws SquisoException { // If the message text starts with !clip if (data.getMessageText().startsWith("!clip")) { // If the user is the broadcaster or (||) a moderator if (data.isUserBroadcaster() || data.isUserModerator()) { // Log that we are now creating a clip api.log("Will now try and create a Twitch clip!"); // Create a clip CreateTwitchClipResult createData = api.createTwitchClip(); // Specify 30 seconds (30*1000=30000 milliseconds) SquisoInteger waitTime = new SquisoInteger(30 * 1000); // Do this 30 seconds later (we wait 30 seconds to give Twitch time to generate an MP4 video out of the clip) api.doLater(waitTime, () -> { // Extract the clip ID to its own variable SquisoString clipID = createData.getClipID(); // Get additional data from the clip TwitchClip clip = api.getTwitchClip(clipID); // Send the message to Twitch chat SquisoString chatMessage = new SquisoString("A new clip was created: " + clip.getURL()); api.sendTwitchChatMessage(chatMessage); // Specify the Discord webhook URL SquisoString discordWebhook = new SquisoString("https://discord.com/api/webhooks/abc/123"); // Create the message that we will send to Discord SquisoString discordMessage = new SquisoString(""); discordMessage.append("A new clip was created by " + clip.getCreator() + "!"); discordMessage.append("\n"); discordMessage.append(clip.getURL()); // Send the message to the Discord channel api.sendSimpleDiscordMessage(discordWebhook, discordMessage); }); } } } }