„Squiso“ yra nemokamas, galingas automatizavimo įrankis, leidžiantis tinkinti „Twitch“ srautą naudojant paprastus scenarijus.

Kaip sukurti Twitch !Clip komandą

Šie pavyzdžiai išklauso !clip pokalbio pranešimą, sukuria klipą ir paskelbia jį tiek „Twitch“ pokalbyje, tiek „Discord“.

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Scenarijaus pavyzdys

import com.squiso.*; import com.squiso.exception.*; import com.squiso.scripting.*; import com.squiso.scripting.data.*; import com.squiso.keyboard.*; import com.squiso.twitch.*; import com.squiso.datatypes.*; import com.squiso.utils.*; // Important - Please do not change the row below - otherwise you will get a compilation error! public class Script_Example extends SquisoScript { @Override public void onTwitchChatMessage(OnTwitchChatMessageData data, API api) throws SquisoException { // If the message text starts with !clip if (data.getMessageText().startsWith("!clip")) { // If the user is the broadcaster or (||) a moderator if (data.isUserBroadcaster() || data.isUserModerator()) { // Log that we are now creating a clip api.log("Will now try and create a Twitch clip!"); // Create a clip CreateTwitchClipResult createData = api.createTwitchClip(); // Specify 30 seconds (30*1000=30000 milliseconds) SquisoInteger waitTime = new SquisoInteger(30 * 1000); // Do this 30 seconds later (we wait 30 seconds to give Twitch time to generate an MP4 video out of the clip) api.doLater(waitTime, () -> { // Extract the clip ID to its own variable SquisoString clipID = createData.getClipID(); // Get additional data from the clip TwitchClip clip = api.getTwitchClip(clipID); // Send the message to Twitch chat SquisoString chatMessage = new SquisoString("A new clip was created: " + clip.getURL()); api.sendTwitchChatMessage(chatMessage); // Specify the Discord webhook URL SquisoString discordWebhook = new SquisoString("https://discord.com/api/webhooks/abc/123"); // Create the message that we will send to Discord SquisoString discordMessage = new SquisoString(""); discordMessage.append("A new clip was created by " + clip.getCreator() + "!"); discordMessage.append("\n"); discordMessage.append(clip.getURL()); // Send the message to the Discord channel api.sendSimpleDiscordMessage(discordWebhook, discordMessage); }); } } } }