Squiso là một công cụ miễn phí, nhẹ cho phép bạn tự động hóa luồng phát trực tiếp Twitch của mình bằng các tập lệnh đơn giản.

Connect Squiso to Ko-fi

Squiso can listen to Ko-fi events (donations, subscriptions and shop orders) by utilizing Ko-fi's webhook API system. Here is a quick guide.

Squiso Webhook ID

This integration uses Squiso's Webhook system behind the scenes. This means that you need to first have a random unique Webhook ID in Squiso. All data will be linked to this ID.

Each time you refresh a page it auto-generates a new ID. This is okay, but it is important that you use the same ID everywhere in this quick guide.

Here is your unique (auto-generated) Webhook ID. Please keep this a secret, or someone else might send Webhook data do your Squiso application.


Configure Ko-fi

In your Ko-fi API settings page, copy and paste this webhook URL.

https://kofi.squiso.com?wid=16483c99-0535-404c-b50e-a81b380faf43In your Ko-fi API settings page, copy and paste this webhook URL.

Configure Squiso

This is a quick code example on how to listen on donations. More information can be found in the API and the examples page.

// This script example requires that you first configure your Ko-fi to send webhooks // Read more here: https://www.squiso.com/integrations/kofi squiso.setWebhookID("16483c99-0535-404c-b50e-a81b380faf43"); // Listen to all Kofi-donations squiso.onKofiDonation((data) -> { // Specify the TTS voice // All voices can be found here: https://www.squiso.com/voices/ String voiceID = "y1whgzx7"; // Compose a TTS message SquisoString ttsMessage = new SquisoString(data.getUsername() + " just donated " + data.getAmount() + " on Ko-Fi: " + data.getMessage()); // Speak the TTS squiso.speak(voiceID, ttsMessage); });